Sean Nault

Lead Pastor

Erin Dever

Kids Director

April Nault




Brandon, Marcie, Kaitlyn & Hudson Brazee


The Brazee’s work Koln, Germany. While learning the language and culture, they are working with volunteer teams, small groups, refugees, and outreach ministries. Brandon works at the nearby refugee home with upwards of 1000+ refugees - connecting with children and families though sports and activities. Marcie serves Foursquare Europe, equipping and serving other workers in Europe alongside the Foursquare Europe FMI Director.


Run by directors Fernando & Isis, they are connected with their community by holding various classes and resources for families with special needs children. The home itself also cares for those with special needs and orphaned. The number often changes from upwards of 15 to the current number of 8. They all have a variety of special needs, backgrounds and stories.

Church Council Members

  • Brittni Dappen (term: 2023-2025)

  • Peter Trussell (term: 2023-2025)

  • Janet Houtsma (term: 2024-2026)

  • Brandon Hiles (term: 2024-2026)

Hub City Church has a church council that acts in an advisory capacity to Pastor Sean concerning financial assets and property matters affecting the welfare and betterment of the church. Council members represent the members of the congregation and serve a two-year term. Two new council members are ratified every January.